Obrazložitev glasu: Leto dni od ruske invazije in vojaške agresije v Ukrajini

Glasoval sem za predlog resolucije, s katero smo zaznamovali leto dni od ruske invazije in vojaške agresije v Ukrajini, ker se strinjam z njenim glavnim sporočilom: Evropska unija in države članice morajo vztrajati pri pomoči in podpori Ukrajini, da se obrani pred rusko agresijo. To strinjanje pa ne odpravlja mojih pridržkov na posamezne dele resolucije. Pomoč in podpora Ukrajini nista v nasprotju z iskanjem mirovne rešitve z diplomatskimi sredstvi, temveč jo prav nasprotno omogočata, saj poštena pogajanja ne morejo temeljiti na ukrajinski kapitulaciji. Ne strinjam se z retoriko, ki tudi v zadevni resoluciji poudarja nujnost popolne zmage Ukrajine v vojni, v kateri so obe strani, Evropska unija in širša mednarodna skupnost že preveč izgubili. Ukrajini moramo pomagati z materialnimi sredstvi, vključno z orožjem in opremo v obrambne in ne napadalne namene, saj bi slednje lahko vodilo v nadaljnjo eskalacijo konflikta in totalno vojno. Nadaljevati moramo z mednarodno izolacijo Ruske federacije kot načinom pritiska na politiko aktualnega režima, ki krši vse temeljne mednarodnopravne in civilizacijske norme. Hkrati pa je potrebno, tudi z ozirom na rusko politično opozicijo in civilno prebivalstvo, ki ne podpira režima in je samo deležno zatiranja, razvijati strategije za sobivanje in normalizacijo odnosov z Rusijo po koncu vojne.


One year of Russia’s invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine

I voted in favour of the resolution that marks one year of Russia’s invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine. I agree with the key message of the resolution, insisting on continuous help and support of the EU and the Member States to Ukraine to defend itself against the Russian aggression. My support to the resolution does not come without reservations to the specific parts of the text. Firstly, help and support to Ukraine are not in contradiction with the peaceful settlement of the dispute by diplomatic means. To the contrary, preventing Ukraine from capitulating in the war is the only possible avenue for fair negotiations. What is more, I cannot support the rhetoric of winners in the conflict that has already brought tremendous losses to both sides, to the European Union and the entire international community. We must continue our material support to Ukraine, including in equipment and defensive weapons, while doing everything in our power to prevent further escalation of the conflict and total war. We have to remain firm in our efforts for the international isolation of Russian federation as a means of exerting pressure on the current regime and its policies that violate fundamental principles of international law and standards of civilisation. Nevertheless, we must already now develop strategies for cohabitation and normalisation of relations with Russia after the end of this war, taking into account also Russian political opposition and civil society, which do not support the regime and are themselves victims of its oppression.